Tahja playing OUD can be booked for events by calling

(941) 284-6996.

The oud is a Middle Eastern instrument from the Lute family

Please help me get the word out about “Oud Baby”.

My precious musical instrument which I named “Oud Baby” was stolen from a locked closet.

Only the case remains.

Musicians understand the close relationship with a special instrument. I have played this oud for over 28 years. We have performed together in many concerts, traveled the world, composed songs, we sang together during times of great happiness and sadness, and motivated people to dance. This instrument has reflected all of my emotions throughout the many stages of my life.

I am offering a $500 reward for information leading to it’s return and posting these photos for help in identification.

Unique to this oud: I had the pegs changed to violin pegs, which are tunable only with a very small screw-driver.

This instrument is not only what I use in profession, but is like an extension of myself. I started to study oud 30 years ago in Egypt. This is not an easy instrument to play.

The Oud has a built in “pick-up” on the bottom for amplification

Notice there are 3 medallions. The large pick guard goes all the way up under the center medallion, which is rather unique. (most pick guards are smaller)

There are a few identifying marks. Please call, text or email me for details.

Hoping for a Miracle that my Oud Baby will find it’s way home!

Thank you for any help to lead to the recovery of “Oud Baby”.

(941) 284-6996